Altought she is the beauty and the beast in the same time
This girl won't let you down until your last breath, your last taste of life
As the birds stealing bread,
As the shadow that sourrounds my bed,
She cames over here just to devore my soul,
Two or three bits and her job is done.

She came up by my open window,
As the black cat, with her huge brown eyes
Nimble and noble as the duchess she is
Appearing the the middle of the night
Under the darkest sky only lighted by a soft white moon
Not a bed of roses, Not a Honeymoon
Just a self-defeating smile that amazed me...

Forgotten by the strokes of her claws
She is the wild girl,
Moving and breaking hearts
No place is enought for her

But watchout men,
The wild girl will become a woman soon...
"Fascinating, Worrying, Surprising..."